Write better prompts: How to achieve high-quality results with ChatGPT

ChatGPT can surely generate high-quality responses. But how?
In this article, we’ll discover how exactly you need to write prompts to unlock high-quality results with ChatGPT.

Brief Overview of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, which uses deep learning to generate natural language text.

ChatGPT is trained on a massive dataset of text from the internet, which includes books, articles, and websites.

One of the key strengths of ChatGPT is its ability to generate human-like responses. It can be used for content creation, translating texts or in a number of other ways.

Given good prompts, it can produce high-quality results that meet a wide range of needs and can save you time by doing tasks in seconds that would take you hours. 
However, please bear in mind that ChatGPT does have limitations, which we have listed in the article ChatGPT 101 – All you need to know about the AI Chatbot and also make sure to read the chapter on Prompt Engineering in order to be well equipped for unlocking ChatGPTs potential for you.

Definition of Prompts and their Importance in Language Models

Prompts are instructions or cues that are given to a language model to guide its output. Essentially, prompts are a way to communicate with the language model and provide it with context and direction.

The quality of the response depends largely on the quality of the prompt.

Prompts can vary in length and complexity, and they can be written in a variety of formats. Some prompts are simple, one-sentence questions, while others are longer paragraphs that provide more context and detail.

It’s important to note that prompts are not the same as commands. Commands are specific instructions that tell the language model what to do, while prompts provide a general direction for the model to follow. This distinction is important because prompts allow for more flexibility and creativity in the language model’s output.

Overall, prompts allow users to communicate with the language model. Moreover, prompts can also help to mitigate biases. 

By providing inclusive and diverse prompts, users can help ensure that the language model’s output is more representative and equitable.

In the next section, we’ll explore the different types of prompts that can be used with ChatGPT.

Understanding Prompts

Understanding the different types of prompts and how they work in ChatGPT can help users write effective prompts and achieve optimal results.

Types of Prompts

The type of prompt used can have a significant impact on the quality of the language model’s output. Here are some common types of prompts that can be used with ChatGPT:

  1. Open-ended prompts: These prompts are designed to encourage the language model to generate a creative and original response. They typically begin with phrases like “What if…” or “Imagine if…”. Open-ended prompts are useful for applications such as creative writing or brainstorming.
  2. Closed-ended prompts: These prompts are designed to elicit a specific response from the language model. They typically ask a question or provide a statement that requires a specific answer. Closed-ended prompts are useful for applications such as customer service or technical support.
  3. Conditional prompts: These prompts provide a specific condition or scenario that the language model must take into account when generating a response. For example, a conditional prompt could be “If the user’s age is under 18, generate a response that directs them to parental supervision.” Conditional prompts are useful for applications where specific rules or guidelines must be followed.
  4. Contextual prompts: These prompts provide additional context or information that the language model can use to generate a more accurate response. Contextual prompts can be particularly useful in applications such as legal or medical research, where specialized knowledge and terminology are required.

How Prompts work in ChatGPT

After selecting the appropriate type of prompt for their needs, users must also understand how prompts work in ChatGPT in order to maximize the quality of the generated output.

When a user inputs a prompt, ChatGPT processes the input and generates a response based on the patterns it has learned from the dataset it was trained on. 

The output produced by ChatGPT doesn’t follow a straightforward pattern of one input leading to one specific output. Instead, it relies on the intricate connections between the input provided and the massive amount of text data it has been trained on.

A well-crafted prompt that provides clear and specific guidance to ChatGPT can help the language model generate a high-quality response. 

In the next chapter we will discuss how exactly you can achieve that.

Prompt Engineering

Effective prompts are not only clear and concise but also provide the necessary context for ChatGPT to generate accurate and relevant responses. 

In this chapter, we will discuss some best practices for prompt engineering and provide examples of effective prompts that can help you achieve the desired outcomes from ChatGPT. 

Following is a list of tips for writing prompts that yield high-quality results.

Best Practices for writing Superior Prompts

  1. Be clear and specific: When writing prompts, it’s important to be clear and specific about what you want. The more specific the prompt, the better the results will be. Avoid vague prompts that can lead to irrelevant responses.
  2. Use proper grammar and punctuation: ChatGPT is sensitive to grammar and punctuation. Therefore, writing prompts that are free from grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes will result in better outputs.
  3. Provide context: Providing context to the prompt will help ChatGPT to understand the purpose of the prompt and generate responses that are relevant and meaningful. Adding a sentence or two to provide context will go a long way in ensuring better results.
  4. Avoid biases: Avoid writing prompts that have biases, stereotypes, or assumptions about specific groups of people. Biases can lead to inappropriate or offensive responses and should be avoided.
  5. Use appropriate tone: Use a tone that is appropriate for the type of prompt you’re writing. For example, if you’re writing a creative writing prompt, use a tone that encourages creativity and imagination. If you’re writing a factual prompt, use a tone that is informative and straightforward.
  1. Provide examples: Providing examples of the types of responses you’re looking for can help ChatGPT better understand the prompt and generate more accurate outputs.
  2. Avoid complex prompts: Avoid using complex sentence structures or convoluted prompts that may confuse ChatGPT and lead to irrelevant responses. Keep prompts simple and straightforward.
  3. Test and refine: Test your prompts and refine them as needed to ensure they are generating accurate and relevant responses from ChatGPT. This can help you identify areas for improvement and fine-tune your prompt writing skills over time.

The Structure of Effective Prompts

A prompt can consist of four main blocks: the task, instructions, context, and input. Each block plays an important role in generating high-quality responses from ChatGPT.

The task defines the overall goal of the prompt. It should be clear and specific. 

Instructions provide additional guidance to the model on how to approach the task. You can specify things such as the audience or your desired tone of voice.

The context provides additional information to the model about the task and the user’s needs, which can help the model generate more accurate and relevant responses. 

Finally, the input provides specific input to the model, such as text, which can be used to generate the desired output. It acts as a starting point for ChatGPT to know how to begin and can set a standard for a desired tone of voice, so that the output is less generic. 

Let’s now have a look at how to write prompts in this way.

Examples of Well-Structured Prompts

Example 1:

Task: Write a short story about a robot who gains emotions and goes on a journey of self-discovery.
Instructions: Your story should include a description of the robot’s appearance and abilities, as well as the challenges and discoveries it experiences along the way.
Context: Act as a writer for a science fiction magazine.
Input: “The robot’s metallic exterior reflected the sunlight as it stood at the edge of the cliff, contemplating the vast expanse of the world before it.”

Example 2:

Task: Translate this paragraph from English to French.
Instructions: Use your knowledge of French grammar and vocabulary to translate the following paragraph from English to French. Be sure to include accurate verb conjugations and appropriate word choices.
Context: You are a language instructor teaching a French class and need an assignment to practice translation skills.
Input: (English paragraph)

Example 3:

Task: Write a persuasive essay arguing for the importance of renewable energy sources.
Instructions: Your essay should include research-based evidence and examples to support your argument, as well as counterarguments and rebuttals.
Context: You are a high school student writing for a debate team.
Input: “In 2019, renewable energy sources accounted for 72% of all new power capacity added worldwide.”

Example 4:

Task: Create a report on the current trends in the global renewable energy market.
Instructions: Your report should include a comprehensive analysis of the growth, challenges, and opportunities in the renewable energy sector across different regions. It should also contain a table to help illustrate the data.
Context: Act as a consultant for a renewable energy company.
Input: “According to recent research, the Asia-Pacific region is projected to dominate the renewable energy market in the next decade due to the increasing demand for energy and favorable government policies.”

Defining your Desired Output

ChatGPT is capable of generating a wide range of output types, including text, images, tables, and even code. 

When writing prompts, it’s important to be clear about the type of output you’re looking for, so that ChatGPT can be directed to generate the most appropriate response.

For example, if you want ChatGPT to generate a table or chart, you could include instructions in your prompt such as “Please generate a table comparing the prices of different products”. 

Alternatively, if you want ChatGPT to provide a text-based response, you could include instructions such as “Please provide a detailed explanation of how this concept works”.

By being specific about the type of output you’re looking for, you can help ChatGPT generate more relevant and useful results.

Leading the ChatGPT Conversation

ChatGPT does apply the context of the prompts and results that were written previously within a conversation to the following results. This is because ChatGPT is designed to understand the context of the conversation and uses it to generate more relevant and accurate responses. 

As the conversation progresses, ChatGPT continues to learn and adjust its responses based on the context of the previous prompts and results. 

Moreover, it is crucial to keep in mind that ChatGPT’s responses may not always be perfect or complete, and users may need to ask follow-up questions or provide additional prompts to guide the conversation towards their desired outcome. 

Prompts should be structured in a logical and coherent manner, starting with a clear introduction and a specific topic or question to be addressed. Each prompt should build upon the previous one and provide more detail and context for ChatGPT to work with.

Note that ChatGPT has a response length limit, typically replying with around 550 words. This means that if you want it to write a long text such as an article for you, you need to work around this limitation. For example, first use the prompts to let ChatGPT help you structure your article and then use the same conversation to work out and refine each chapter.

Here is how exactly you can do that.

Use ChatGPT to write an article

First, you want to use ChatGPTs help to create the outline for your article.
Here is a prompt you could use for our example of this chapter.

I would like you to come up with a table of contents for an article with the title “Understanding Technical Analysis in Stock Trading”.
The article should be a comprehensive guide on how Technical Analysis works in Stock Trading. The entire blog article, will be [text length] written by [Expert #1], with this [tone], with the goal of teaching the [audience] [subject] in an informative and professional way.

[text length] 1500+ words
[Expert #1] a seasoned financial analyst and advisor
[tone] with a professional and informative tone
[audience] novice investors and traders
[subject] Understanding Technical Analysis in Stock Trading

ChatGPT will suggest an outline, and you could give it more context by providing a link to an article you would like to use as a reference.
Once you have refined the table of contents for the article you are writing, you can let ChatGPT help you write the content. Here is your prompt to do that:

Thanks for the table of contents for the article with the title “Understanding Technical Analysis in Stock Trading”. We are now going to write content for section II with the title “How Technical Analysis works”.

Just to remind you, the article is a comprehensive guide on how Technical Analysis works in Stock Trading. The entire blog article, will be [text length] written by [Expert #1], with this [tone], with the goal of teaching the [audience] [subject] in an informative and professional way.

[text length] 1500+ words
[Expert #1] a seasoned financial analyst and advisor
[tone] with a professional and informative tone
[audience] novice investors and traders
[subject] Understanding Technical Analysis in Stock Trading
[section II] How Technical Analysis works

This section should cover the basic principles of Technical Analysis, including chart patterns, indicators, and trends. It should also provide practical examples of how Technical Analysis can be used to identify potential trading opportunities and manage risk. The content should be written in a clear and concise manner, with relevant visual aids to help readers understand the concepts. The tone should be informative and professional, aimed at novice investors and traders who are looking to expand their knowledge of Technical Analysis. The section should contain references to additional resources for readers who wish to learn more.

Now that you have seen some examples for how you can structure and write prompts, I am sure you see just how extensive the possible applications for ChatGPT are.

If you have other ideas on how to structure prompts and experiences with generating great output, let us know in the comments!


Understanding exactly how prompts work is essential for anyone who wants to harness the full potential of ChatGPT and unlock its endless possibilities. 
Good prompts are well-structured and provide a clear task, specific instructions, relevant context and input for the Chatbot to understand the purpose of the prompt and generate a high-quality response.


Discover how exactly you need to write prompts to unlock high-quality results with ChatGPT.