Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a language model designed for natural language understanding and generation. It’s capable of engaging in conversation and providing information on a wide range of topics.

Input fields / Configuration

These are the fields which can be used for configuring the AI system request.

Name Description
Continue if max output tokens reachedThe models have a max. token limit of 4096 tokens. If the output is cut off, and this is set to yes the generation will continue by sending prompt & generated output.
Frequency PenaltyFrequency Penalty is like telling the model not to repeat the same words too much. When it's positive, it likes to use new words and not repeat too often. If it's negative, it doesn't care much and may say the same things again and again. Just remember, this helps keep the story fresh and less repetitive.
ModelGPT is a digital brain that can generate text, answer questions, analyze text or create summaries of it. The "context" like 8k or 32k indicates how much information it can remember and use at once, with 32k being a longer memory span than 8k.

Available models:
ChatGPT-4o 128k context (4 credit/1k tokens)
ChatGPT-4o Mini 128k context (0.4 credit/1k tokens)
ChatGPT-4o latest 128k context (4 credit/1k tokens)
ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo 16k context (1 credit/1k tokens)
ChatGPT 3.5 4k context (1 credit/1k tokens)
GPT 4-Turbo 128k context(8 credit/1k tokens)
ChatGPT 4 8k context(20 credit/1k tokens)
Output languageOutput language of the prompt
Presence PenaltyPresence Penalty is like telling the model to talk about new things. When it's positive, it makes the model think more and try to say different stuff. If it's negative, it doesn't care much about new things. Just remember, this helps make the story more interesting and unique.
TemperatureTemperature is like adding spice to cooking. Imagine making a story more exciting or calmer. When it's hot like 0.8, the story becomes full of surprises. When it's cold like 0.2, the story becomes more focused and predictable. Just remember, it's best to change either this or Top P, but not both.
Top PTop P is like having a box of chocolates and picking the ones you like most. When it's small like 0.1, we only pick the best ones, the ones that most people like. It makes the story exciting but not too crazy. Just remember, it's best to change either this or Temperature, but not both.

Result Fields

These result fields are available in the final data and can be used in additional AI System Requests.

Name Description
Prompt resultResult of the prompt
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