Local Niche Selection Using Google SERPs, Search Volume, Google Maps and Business Reviews

Competitive Analysis

Remember to change the output language as well as location and language in the data extenders such as Google SERPs , Google Maps and Google Business Reviews.

Prompt steps

For each line of your CSV these steps were executed

  • List of Keywords for Area of Interest or Passion 1
  • Identifying Most Powerful Problem or Desire for Interest or Passion 1
  • List of Keywords for Area of Interest or Passion 2
  • Identifying Most Powerful Problem or Desire for Interest or Passion 2
  • List of Keywords for Area of Interest or Passion 3
  • Identifying Most Powerful Problem or Desire for Interest or Passion 3
  • List of Keywords for Area of Interest or Passion 4
  • Identifying Most Powerful Problem or Desire for Interest or Passion 4
  • List of Keywords for Area of Interest or Passion 5
  • Identifying Most Powerful Problem or Desire for Interest or Passion 5
  • Identifying Top Most Powerful Problem or Desire
  • Top Number 1 Problem to Address With Existing Skills
  • Return Keyword for Top Current Situation
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Current vs. Desired Situation
  • Solutions offered by niche participants
  • Crafting a Unique Offer to Address Market Gaps

Input fields (CSV columns):

These fields were used in the template CSV

  • Area of Interest or Passion 1
  • Area of Interest or Passion 2
  • Area of Interest or Passion 3
  • Area of Interest or Passion 4
  • Area of Interest or Passion 5
  • Top Skill 1
  • Top Skill 2
  • Top Skill 3
  • Top Skill 4
  • Top Skill 5
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