Storytelling Video Creation Using Blog Article URL

Online Marketing / Content Marketing

Create compelling and viral storytelling videos with ease by turning blog articles into captivating scripts and visuals. Whether you're an experienced content creator or just starting out, this app provides a step-by-step guide to harness the power of AI for creative video production.

Key Features:

  • Script Generation: Convert any blog article URL into an engaging script using ChatGPT, and generate image ideas and prompts for your video.
  • AI Narration: Use OpenAI's Text-To-Speech to transform your script into a professional audio narration, perfect for your storytelling video.
  • Data Management: Easily organize your generated prompts and assets by converting them into a CSV file using the integrated Code Interpreter.
  • Bulk Image Generation: Utilize Promptmate to bulk generate all necessary images with StabilityAI, directly from your CSV file, streamlining the video creation process.

Disclaimer: Ensure that you have the legal rights to any blog article you use as a script for your video. Even if the material is from a publicly known or unprotected academic historical archive, it's important to verify that AI-generated content does not plagiarize or improperly attribute the original author. Always respect copyright and intellectual property laws.

Prompt steps

For each line of your CSV these steps were executed

  • Prompt 1
  • Prompt 2
  • AI Image Generation Prompts
  • Audio Narration
  • Prompt 5

Input fields (CSV columns):

These fields were used in the template CSV

  • Blog Article URL
Use this Template to create an app in promptmate