Competitor Analysis Template | 4o Update

Competitive Analysis

This template offers a comprehensive analysis of a competitor's LinkedIn performance metrics and Google keyword rankings to empower companies in enhancing their own strategies.

By scrutinizing follower growth trends, post engagements, reactions, comments, and reposts, it enables users to identify successful tactics used by competitors.

Furthermore, by extracting ranking keywords, it provides valuable insights into content themes, audience targeting, and SEO strategies employed by the competition.

This data-driven approach aids in devising effective strategies to outperform competitors and drive growth in the LinkedIn and in the Google space.

Prompt steps

For each line of your CSV these steps were executed

  • Analyze and Generate Report from Linkedin
  • Extract Ranking Keywords from URL & Analyze

Input fields (CSV columns):

These fields were used in the template CSV

  • Page
  • Homepage URL
  • Total Followers
  • New Followers
  • Total post engagements
  • Total posts
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