Boost Your Copywriting with ChatGPT: Effective Prompts and Tips

Hey there! I’m thrilled you’re diving into the world of ChatGPT prompts for copywriting because trust me, it’s a total game-changer!

In my work as a graphic designer and content creator, copywriting is often part of the job description, and ChatGPT has become my go-to tool for brainstorming copy ideas, refining copy, and developing persuasive content. Today I want to share with you some amazing tips on using ChatGPT prompts for copywriting.

Now, let’s dive right in!

Better Copywriting with ChatGPT

Outline and idea generation

Let’s say you know who should read your content, but you are not sure yet what to write about. Start by researching how keywords rank in search engines to find the most relevant topics.

Then, by simply using the desired topic or keyword as my input for ChatGPT, I can generate a multitude of unique and innovative ideas in response.

Let’s say I want to write an article about using ChatGPT Prompts for Copywriting, exactly the article you are reading. My team member Eugen Prendy created this super helpful template Seo-Friendly Blog Article Writer on PromptMate which helps you to get input for how to structure your article and what topics to cover in a matter of seconds! The prompt it gives ChatGPT is as follows:

​​You are an SEO expert with years of experience specialized in SEM, Google organic traffic and in SERPs. Your only goal is to create input material needed before writing the article. These are:

SEO-Friendly Article Title
A list of 20 secondary keywords (also SEO-friendly). The keywords here must be a maximum of 4 words.
A SEO-Friendly blog outline
A SEO-Friendly short meta description
A SEO-Friendly Slug URL that only includes words from the targeted keyword.

In order to make them SEO friendly, focus on the targeted keyword.

target keyword: ChatGPT Prompts for Copywriting

You can always tweak the generated outline and of course the suggested meta description and slug URL to better suit your needs, but the initial insights are invaluable for kickstarting your creative process.

The template even gives you the first 3 articles ranking on Google for the same keyword, as well as suggests topics to include in your article in order to outrank them. 

Click here to see the template Seo-Friendly Blog Article Writer.

Using ChatGPT to write your copy in your desired language and tone of voice

As we all know, ChatGPT has a limit of about 300-400 words it can generate in one response. So if you want ChatGPT to help you write your article, you now have to work your way slowly through each chapter and remember to always define your desired word count, tone of voice, target audience and keyword etc. in the prompt you give ChatGPT.

Instead of doing this one by one for each chapter, you could also use the PromptMate template Seo-Friendly Blog Article Writer

ChatGPT can also help you refine and enhance your existing copy. By inputting a section of my work-in-progress, I can ask for suggestions on improving the flow, clarity, or overall impact.

Improving engagement and conversion rates

Copywriting isn’t just about stringing together words; it’s about crafting a powerful message that captivates and converts. 

Incorporating ChatGPT prompts into your copywriting strategy boosts your SEO game. By aligning your content with relevant keywords, you increase your chances of ranking higher on search engine result pages.

Just make sure to instruct ChatGPT to tailor all content for the specific keyword you’re targeting. Crafting each paragraph carefully around your target keyword not only boosts your SEO but also attracts more organic traffic to your website, giving you greater visibility.

Also, a compelling call-to-action is essential for achieving your desired goals and to motivate your audience to take action, whether it’s signing up, making a purchase, or engaging with your content. ChatGPT prompts can assist you in generating impactful and persuasive call-to-action statements!

Best Practices

Ensuring Ethical and Responsible Use of AI in Copywriting

When it comes to leveraging AI like ChatGPT in copywriting, ethical considerations are paramount. You want to ensure that the content you produce is not only engaging but also responsible and transparent. 

Always fact-check and verify the information provided by ChatGPT. AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not infallible.

Moreover, be cautious about over-reliance on AI. It’s essential to maintain the human touch in your content. This ensures that your copy retains authenticity and connects emotionally with your audience. 

ChatGPT is here to assist, not replace, the creativity and intuition that human copywriters bring to the table.

Integrating ChatGPT Seamlessly into Existing Copywriting Processes

One thing I’ve learned from experience is that to truly boost your copywriting with ChatGPT, you need to seamlessly integrate it into your existing processes. Start by providing the AI with comprehensive briefs that outline your brand voice, audience, and specific goals. This ensures that ChatGPT understands your unique requirements and produces content that aligns perfectly with your brand identity.

Another pro tip is to incorporate ChatGPT at various stages of the content creation process. For instance, you can use it for initial brainstorming, creating drafts, or even for those moments when you’re stuck on a particular section. The key is to make ChatGPT a versatile tool that complements your workflow, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Balancing Human Expertise with AI-Generated Copy

Finding the right balance between human expertise and AI-generated content is a critical part of mastering ChatGPT. 

As a copywriter, your insights, creativity, and deep understanding of your target audience are invaluable. While ChatGPT can assist with generating content, your expertise guides the overall direction and strategy.

So, it’s essential to view ChatGPT as your trusty sidekick. It can provide you with ideas, suggestions, and even help you overcome writer’s block, but you should always be the captain of your copywriting ship. 

Use AI-generated content as a foundation and then sprinkle it with your unique creativity and personality. By striking this balance, you’ll produce a copy that is not only effective but also distinctly yours.


Recap of the Advantages and Potential of ChatGPT in Copywriting

So, there you have it – a journey through the incredible world of using ChatGPT to boost your copywriting. 

In my own experience, ChatGPT has proven itself to be a versatile and powerful tool that can take my copy to the next level. From crafting engaging headlines to generating creative ideas and refining language, ChatGPT has become an invaluable part of my copywriting process.

By using effective prompts and incorporating ChatGPT seamlessly into your existing processes, you can harness its potential to enhance your copywriting skills and produce content that captivates and converts. 

Also, there are a lot more use cases for which can help you save time! Try it now for free at

Happy copywriting!


Effective strategies, tips, and prompts to make your copy better, more engaging and persuasive. Unlock the potential of ChatGPT in copywriting with effective prompts and streamlined article crafting on PromptMate. Tailor content for SEO, refine existing copy, and drive engagement.