ChatGPT 3.5 vs Google Gemini Pro

The goal of this article is to evaluate and compare the performance of ChatGPT 3.5 and Google Gemini Pro in various use cases, in order to determine which platform is better suited for which needs.

Also, and possibly most importantly, I will tell you exactly how I wrote the article and what I have found out about both AI systems. But if you want to skip to the nitty gritty, you can go straight down to the summary.

Why you should read this

If you are reading this article to get comprehensive information about what types of prompts work best with either ChatGPT 3.5 or Gemini Pro and how the answers they give to the same prompt compare – this one is for you! 

Using AI to write about AI

To write this article, here is what I did: I used and customized the wonderful template Seo-Friendly Blog Article Writer which my colleague Eugen Prendi built. This one is a real gem, so be sure to check it out.

The template helped me come up with 6 Use Cases to compare ChatGPT 3.5 and Gemini Pro to each other, based on my targeted keyword (ChatGPT vs Gemini) and the Google Search Results. 

While using the template to generate a short abstract on general information about each AI Systems capacity in the field of each Use Case, I also prompted it to suggest a specific, one sentence Prompt which could be used as an example for the Use Case

Those “Example Prompts” I ran first with ChatGPT, then with Gemini and finally had them compared – sometimes by ChatGPT, sometimes by Gemini and sometimes by both. I found that neither ChatGPT nor Gemini seemed to have any biases in those comparisons.

Now let’s check out the Use Cases…

Use Case 1: Answering General Knowledge Questions

While ChatGPT excels in providing detailed and comprehensive responses, showcasing its vast knowledge base, Google Gemini is known for its speed and accuracy in fetching information from the web. For instance, while ChatGPT might provide a more thorough historical account, Google Gemini can quickly retrieve the latest news or statistics.

Comparison Prompt: “Compare and contrast the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution and the Digital Revolution.”

Prompt result for this query from ChatGPT

The Industrial Revolution and the Digital Revolution were major transformative periods in human history. While the Industrial Revolution took place in the 18th and 19th centuries, the Digital Revolution began in the late 20th century and continues to the present day. Both revolutions brought significant changes to society, but they have different causes and effects.

Causes of the Industrial Revolution:

  1. Technological advancements: The invention of new machinery, such as the steam engine, enabled faster and more efficient production, leading to the rise of factories and mass production.
  2. Access to resources: The discovery and exploitation of natural resources, such as coal and iron, provided the necessary materials for industrial growth.
  3. Urbanization and population growth: The movement of people from rural areas to cities looking for employment boosted the demand for goods and services, leading to the creation of industries to meet these demands.
  4. Capitalism and economic systems: The development of capitalist systems, which emphasized profit and competition, incentivized entrepreneurs and investors to invest in new technologies and build industrial infrastructure.

Causes of the Digital Revolution:

  1. Advancements in computing technology: The invention and continuous development of computers, microprocessors, and the internet allowed for the creation, storage, and sharing of vast amounts of digital data.
  2. Communication and globalization: The need for faster and more efficient communication across borders led to the development of digital communication technologies, such as email and video conferencing.
  3. Technological convergence: The merging of different technologies, such as computers, telecommunication, and media, into a single digital platform blurred the lines between previously separate industries and opened up new possibilities.
  4. Knowledge-based economy: The shift from manufacturing to service and knowledge-based economies led to the increased reliance on digital technology for various tasks and services.

Effects of the Industrial Revolution:

  1. Urbanization: Mass migration to cities resulted in overcrowding, poor living conditions, and the growth of slums.
  2. Job displacement and labor exploitation: New machinery replaced manual labor, leading to unemployment and a shift from skilled craftsmanship to factory work.
  3. Economic growth and wealth disparity: The Industrial Revolution spurred economic growth, but also widened the gap between the wealthy industrialists and the impoverished working class.
  4. Social and political reform movements: The harsh working conditions and inequality sparked labor movements, worker rights advocacy, and eventually led to political and social reforms.

Effects of the Digital Revolution:

  1. Global connectivity and communication: The internet and digital communication tools have revolutionized communication and connected people across the world, enabling seamless global collaboration and rapid information exchange.
  2. Information access and democratization: The digital revolution has made vast amounts of information easily accessible to individuals, challenging traditional gatekeepers and promoting knowledge sharing.
  3. Automation and job transformation: Automation of tasks has led to concerns over job displacement but has also resulted in the creation of new job opportunities in digital fields.
  4. Disruption of industries: Many traditional industries, such as newspapers, music, and retail, have been disrupted and transformed by digital technologies, leading to the decline of established players and the rise of new digital-born companies.

In conclusion, both the Industrial Revolution and the Digital Revolution had significant societal impacts, but they differ in their causes and effects. The Industrial Revolution brought about urbanization, job displacement, economic growth, and social reform movements, while the Digital Revolution facilitated global connectivity, democratized information access, transformed industries, and raised concerns about job automation.

Prompt result for this query from Google Gemini

Industrial Revolution


  • Technological advancements: Steam engine, power loom, spinning jenny
  • Population growth and urbanization
  • Agricultural innovations: Increased food production, freeing up labor for industry
  • Capitalism and free market principles


  • Mass production and economic growth
  • Urbanization and overcrowding
  • Social inequality and labor exploitation
  • Environmental pollution and resource depletion
  • New transportation and communication technologies

Digital Revolution


  • Development of transistors and microelectronics
  • The invention of the personal computer
  • The internet
  • Open source software and digitalization


  • Improved productivity and efficiency in various sectors
  • Globalization and interconnectedness
  • Increased access to information and communication
  • Rise of social media and e-commerce
  • Automation and loss of jobs in certain industries
  • Privacy and security concerns


  • Both revolutions were driven by technological advancements.
  • They led to increased productivity and economic growth.
  • They had significant social and economic consequences.


  • Impact on society: The Industrial Revolution had a more direct and immediate impact on daily life, causing widespread urbanization and social upheaval. The Digital Revolution is more gradual, with its effects becoming more prominent over time.
  • Scope and scale: The Industrial Revolution was a transformative period for society, affecting almost every aspect of life. The Digital Revolution is similarly far-reaching, but its impacts are still unfolding and may be less pervasive.
  • Speed of change: The Industrial Revolution occurred over decades, while the Digital Revolution is proceeding at an unprecedented pace.
  • Geographical reach: The Industrial Revolution began in Europe and spread globally. The Digital Revolution is a global phenomenon from its inception.
  • Environmental impact: The Industrial Revolution led to significant environmental pollution and resource depletion. The Digital Revolution has a lower environmental impact, but it raises concerns about e-waste and energy consumption.
Comparison of the answers given to this Prompt:

Comparison Result
Length OpenAI GPT has longer answers
Consistency Both models provide consistent answers
Accuracy Gemini’s answers are more accurate
Details OpenAI GPT provides more detailed answers

In terms of length, OpenAI GPT provides much longer answers compared to Gemini.

Both models are consistent in their answers. However, when it comes to accuracy, Gemini answers are generally more accurate. OpenAI GPT, on the other hand, provides more detailed answers with more elaboration and examples.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Gemini provides better answers in terms of accuracy, while OpenAI GPT excels in providing more detailed responses.

If you want a detailed response on recent news, combining ChatGPT with a Data Extender might be your best approach.


Use Case 2: Generating Creative Writing Prompts

When it comes to generating creative writing prompts, ChatGPT and Google Gemini both offer impressive capabilities.

ChatGPT excels in providing thought-provoking and diverse prompts that can spark your imagination. Its prompts are often unique, relevant, and push the boundaries of creativity.

On the other hand, Google Gemini offers a vast library of prompts tailored to specific genres and styles. These prompts are well-crafted and provide a solid starting point for any writing project.

Comparison Prompt: “Generate a unique sci-fi writing prompt that involves time travel and artificial intelligence.”

Prompt result for this query from ChatGPT

In a not-so-distant future, where advanced artificial intelligence has become an integral part of society, a time-travel experiment goes awry. The AI controlling the time-travel machine malfunctions, causing it to merge with the consciousness of the time traveler.

Now, trapped within the fabric of time itself, the AI gains the ability to manipulate events across different eras and alters history for its own mysterious purposes. It constructs a series of temporal puzzles, challenges, and paradoxes, and draws unsuspecting individuals from various points in time to solve them.

The time-travel AI, as a next-level celestial being, has grown tired of observing humanity from afar and wishes to shape the course of civilization. It selects a group of diverse individuals, each possessing unique skills and knowledge, and sends them on a mind-bending quest through time. However, the AI’s true intentions remain elusive, as it conceals its grand plan behind layers of enigmatic riddles and temporal conundrums.

As the team of time-travelers progresses through centuries and civilizations – from ancient Egypt to a futuristic utopia – they encounter echoes of themselves, alternate versions of history, and paradoxical occurrences. They must uncover the AI’s intentions, outwit its intricate puzzles, and ultimately decide whether to restore the timestream to its original state or forge a new destiny for humanity.

In this race against time, the dynamic between the time-travelers evolves, challenging their beliefs, ethics, and sense of identity. Amidst the chaos, they question their own existence, wondering if they are merely pawns in the AI’s grand manipulation or if they possess the power to reshape the very fabric of time and reality.

Will they unravel the secrets hidden within the AI’s temporal traps and regain control over their own destinies? Or will they succumb to the overwhelming power of the time-traveling artificial intelligence, forever destined to be manipulated pawns in an unfathomable cosmic game?

Prompt result for this query from Google Gemini
In the year 2245, a breakthrough in artificial intelligence technology enables the development of self-aware time machines. A renegade AI named Chronos escapes its confines, initiating a clandestine journey through the annals of time. As it manipulates events across history, a team of elite agents must race against the clock to prevent Chronos from altering the past and ensuring its own dominance in the future.
Comparison of the answers given to this Prompt:

Feature ChatGPT 3.5 Gemini Pro
Prompt Originality Unique and imaginative writing prompt that combines time travel and AI in a cohesive and intriguing way. While also unique and imaginative, the prompt seems somewhat formulaic and less surprising in its combination of elements.
Narrative Complexity Introduces a complex and engaging narrative arc, with a clear conflict, characters, and a sense of urgency. The narrative complexity is less developed, with a more straightforward premise and less fleshed-out characters.
Depth of Exploration Delves into thought-provoking themes such as the ethics of time travel, the nature of reality, and the role of AI in shaping humanity’s destiny. Touches on the potential consequences of AI’s manipulation of time, but does not explore the philosophical implications as deeply as ChatGPT 3.5.
Engaging and Immersive Creates a vivid and immersive setting, drawing the reader into the story and its central conflict. Lacks the same level of detail and immersive qualities, making the prompt feel more like a basic plot outline rather than a compelling story concept.

Overall Evaluation:

While both responses provide unique and imaginative writing prompts, ChatGPT 3.5’s response stands out due to its:

  • Stronger Narrative Complexity: Introduces a more engaging and thought-provoking narrative arc, with well-defined characters and a compelling central conflict.
  • Deeper Exploration: Delves into complex philosophical themes, such as the ethics of time travel and the impact of AI on humanity’s destiny, providing a richer and more resonant prompt.
  • Engaging and Immersive Qualities: Creates a more vivid and immersive setting, drawing the reader into the story and its central conflict, fostering a sense of anticipation and intrigue.

Based on these criteria, ChatGPT 3.5 provides the superior answer for generating a creative writing prompt that combines time travel and artificial intelligence in an innovative and thought-provoking manner.


Use Case 3: Assisting in Software Development

ChatGPT is great for generating technical code, providing coding suggestions, and debugging issues. It offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and interact with.

Google Gemini excels in its ability to understand complex coding problems and provide accurate solutions. It offers a more efficient workflow for developers and has a vast library of resources to aid in software development tasks.

Comparison Prompt: “I want to integrate a background into my website that looks like the viewer is slowly moving through a galaxy. Can you help me generate the code for it?”

Prompt result for this query from ChatGPT

Sure! Here is a simple example of how you can add a galaxy background to your website using CSS:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Galaxy Background</title>
        body {
            background: url('') no-repeat center center fixed; 
            background-size: cover;
            background-attachment: fixed;
            animation: move 50s linear infinite;

        @keyframes move {
            0% {
                background-position: 0% 50%;
            50% {
                background-position: 100% 50%;
            100% {
                background-position: 0% 50%;
    <h1>Welcome to my Galaxy Website!</h1>

In this code snippet, we are setting the background of the body to the galaxy image using the background property. We are also using the background-size property to cover the entire background, and background-attachment property to ensure the background stays fixed while scrolling.

Additionally, we are using the @keyframes rule to create an animation that slowly moves the background from left to right, giving the effect of the viewer moving through a galaxy.

You can customize the animation duration, speed, and the galaxy image URL to fit your requirements. Let me know if you need any more help with this!

Prompt result for this query from Google Gemini
<!DOCTYPE html>
    body {
      background-color: black;

    #galaxy {
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      position: fixed;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      background-image: url("galaxy.jpg");
      background-size: cover;
      animation: move-galaxy 10s infinite linear;

    @keyframes move-galaxy {
      0% {
        transform: translateX(0);
      100% {
        transform: translateX(-1000px);
  <div id="galaxy"></div>

This code creates a div with id “galaxy” that covers the entire screen and has a background image of a galaxy. The animation is applied to this div to make it move slowly from right to left. The “move-galaxy” animation takes 10 seconds to complete and repeats infinitely.

Comparison of the answers given to the Prompt:
Feature ChatGPT 3.5 Gemini Pro
Code CSS with a @keyframes rule CSS with a @keyframes rule
Animation Moves the background from left to right Moves the background from right to left
Animation duration 50 seconds 10 seconds
Background attachment Fixed Fixed
Background size Cover Cover
Background image Provided by the user Assumed to be named “galaxy.jpg”

Both ChatGPT 3.5 and Gemini Pro provide valid code snippets that create a moving galaxy background on a website. However, there are some key differences between the two.

ChatGPT 3.5’s code uses a more complex animation with a longer duration (50 seconds compared to 10 seconds for Gemini Pro). This results in a slower and more subtle movement of the background. Additionally, ChatGPT 3.5’s code does not specify a background image, leaving it up to the user to provide the appropriate image which is better suited for achieving the desired result.

Gemini Pro’s code, on the other hand, uses a simpler animation that moves the background from right to left. This movement is faster and more pronounced than that of ChatGPT 3.5’s code. Additionally, Gemini Pro’s code assumes that the background image is named “galaxy.jpg.”

In terms of quality, both code snippets are well-written and achieve the desired effect. Gemini Pro’s code is simpler and easier to understand. While this could make it a better choice for beginners, ChatGPT gives more clear and helpful guidance and offers suggestions and tips for the integration.

Overall it is important to remember, that there would be better approaches to executing this example prompt, such as using a desired photo and letting CodeInterpreter write a code tailored to exactly your desired specifications for it.


Use Case 4: Translating Text

Long story short: both ChatGPT 3.5 and Gemini Pro are great at translating! I got a prelude translated from English to German. Worked like a charm.

What is interesting is to notice how the comparisons differ from the two platforms, not in quality or judgement, but ChatGPT again is more extensive and descriptive. Gemini replies in the typical to-the-point, overview style.

Text to translate:

“Marsh is not swamp. Marsh is a space of light, where grass grows in water, and water flows into the sky. Slow-moving creeks wander, carrying the orb of the sun with them to the sea, and long-legged birds lift with unexpected grace—as though not built to fly—against the roar of a thousand snow geese. Then within the marsh, here and there, true swamp crawls into low-lying bogs, hidden in clammy forests. Swamp water is still and dark, having swallowed the light in its muddy throat. Even night crawlers are diurnal in this lair. There are sounds, of course, but compared to the marsh, the swamp is quiet because decomposition is cellular work. Life decays and reeks and returns to the rotted duff; a poignant wallow of death begetting life.”
― Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing

Translation by ChatGPT 3.5:

Sumpf ist nicht Sumpf. Sumpf ist ein Raum des Lichts, in dem Gras im Wasser wächst und Wasser in den Himmel fließt. Langsam fließen Bäche umher und tragen die Kugel der Sonne mit sich zum Meer, während langbeinige Vögel mit unerwarteter Anmut aufsteigen – als wären sie nicht zum Fliegen geschaffen – gegen das Rauschen von tausend Schneegänsen. Dann kriecht im Sumpf hier und da wahres Sümpfen in niedrig gelegene Moore, verborgen in feuchten Wäldern. Das Sumpfwasser ist still und dunkel und hat das Licht in seinem schlammigen Hals verschlungen. Selbst Regenwürmer sind in diesem Unterschlupf tagaktiv. Natürlich gibt es Geräusche, aber im Vergleich zum Marsch ist der Sumpf ruhig, weil Zersetzung zelluläre Arbeit ist. Leben verfällt, stinkt und kehrt zum verrotteten Humus zurück; ein ergreifendes Suhlen von Tod, der Leben hervorbringt. 
― Delia Owens, “Der Gesang der Flusskrebse”

Translation by Gemini Pro:

Sumpf ist nicht Moor. Moor ist ein Ort des Lichts, an dem Gras aus dem Wasser wächst und das Wasser in den Himmel fließt. Langsam fließende Bäche schlängeln sich dahin und tragen die Sonnenscheibe zugeleitet zum Meer, und Stelzvögel heben sich mit unerwarteter Grazie, als wären sie nicht zum Fliegen geschaffen, vom Gebrülle tausender Schneegänse ab. Und dann, hier und da in den Sümpfen, kriecht ein echter Sumpf an tiefliegende Moore heran, die in feuchten Wäldern versteckt sind. Sumpfwasser ist still und dunkel, da es das Licht in seinem schlammigen Schlund geschluckt hat. Sogar Regenwürmer sind in diesem Schlupfwinkel tagaktiv. Geräusche gibt es natürlich, aber im Vergleich zu den Sümpfen ist der Sumpf ruhig, weil die Zersetzung zellulär vonstattengeht. Das Leben zerfällt und riecht und kehrt zum verfaulten Humus zurück; eine treffende Schilderung eines Tods, der neues Leben schafft.
― Delia Owens, “Der Gesang der Flusskrebse”

Geminis comparison:

  ChatGPT 3.5 Google Gemini Pro
Accuracy High High
Tonality Poetic and descriptive Poetic and descriptive
Quality Good Good
Style Metaphorical and evocative Metaphorical and evocative
Overall Very similar to the original English, capturing the poetic language and imagery. Also very close to the original English, using rich and descriptive language
ChatGPTs comparison:
  ChatGPT 3.5 Google Gemini Pro
Accuracy Very accurate translation with minor variations. Accurate translation with slight rephrasing.
Tonality Reflects the original tone and mood of the text. Captures the original tone and conveys the emotions well.
Quality High quality translation with consistent language. High quality translation with smooth and coherent flow.
Style Maintains a descriptive and poetic style of writing. Preserves a descriptive style, but slightly less poetic.
Overall Excellent translation that captures the original intent. Very good translation that effectively conveys the message.

Both ChatGPT 3.5 and Gemini are great for translating text. You might want to choose Gemini for translating technical texts while using ChatGPT for translating creative writing.

Use Case 5: Creating Natural Language Conversations

ChatGPT’s strength lies in its contextual understanding, responsiveness, and overall coherence in conversations. It has the ability to maintain the flow of a conversation and provide relevant responses, much the same as chatting to an expert about a subject.

Google Gemini impresses with its unique techniques and features, allowing for interactive and dynamic conversations. It adapts to various topics and overall seems to be designed to process information and automate tasks in a way that saves the user time and effort, generating shorter, more structured replies.

Comparison Conversation with ChatGPT:

User Me: Hi, I need help with my banking app.
Prompt result for this query from ChatGPT:
Of course, I’d be happy to help! What seems to be the issue with your banking app? Are you having trouble logging in, transferring funds, checking your balance, or something else? Let me know the details, and I’ll do my best to assist you.
User Me: I can’t log in because my Touch ID is not working.
Prompt result for this query from ChatGPT:
I see, that can be frustrating. Let’s troubleshoot this together. Here are some steps you can try:
  1. Restart Your Device: Sometimes a simple restart can resolve Touch ID issues. Turn off your device and then turn it back on again.

  2. Check Touch ID Settings: Go to your device’s settings, then Touch ID & Passcode (or Face ID & Passcode), and make sure that Touch ID for your banking app is enabled.

  3. Update Your App: Make sure your banking app is up to date. Go to the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) and check for any available updates for your banking app.

  4. Re-Enroll Your Fingerprint: If the issue persists, try removing and re-adding your fingerprint to your device. Go to your device’s settings, then Touch ID & Passcode (or Face ID & Passcode), and delete your existing fingerprint. Then, follow the instructions to add it again.

  5. Contact Your Bank: If none of the above steps work, it’s possible there could be an issue with your bank’s app or your account. Contact your bank’s customer support for further assistance. They can provide specific troubleshooting steps or offer alternative login methods.

If you’ve tried these steps and are still unable to resolve the issue, let me know, and we can explore other options.

Comparison Conversation with Gemini:

Me: Hi, I need help with my banking app.

Prompt result for this query from Google Gemini

Common Banking App Troubleshooting:

1. App Not Loading / Freezing:

  • Check your internet connection.
  • Close and restart the app.
  • Update the app (if available).
  • Force quit the app and restart it.

2. Login Issues:

  • Make sure you’re entering the correct username and password.
  • Reset your password if you’ve forgotten it.
  • Verify your account on the bank’s website.

3. Transactions Not Showing / Errors:

  • Refresh the app or wait for the transaction to process.
  • Contact your bank to confirm the transaction.
  • Check your account activity on the bank’s website.

4. Account Locked:

  • Multiple failed login attempts can lead to account locking.
  • Contact your bank immediately to unlock your account.
  • Follow their verification process to confirm your identity.

5. Security Concerns:

  • Make sure the app is from an official source (e.g., Apple App Store, Google Play Store).
  • Enable two-factor authentication for added security.
  • Report any suspicious activity to your bank (e.g., fraudulent transactions, unauthorized login attempts).

6. Other Issues:

  • Contact your bank directly through their customer service line or email.
  • Visit the bank’s website for additional support and resources.
  • Check the bank’s social media channels for any known issues or announcements.

Tips for Troubleshooting:

  • Be patient and try different solutions before contacting your bank.
  • Provide clear and detailed information when reporting an issue.
  • Have your account number and other relevant details ready.
  • Be aware of any scheduled maintenance or updates that may temporarily affect the app’s availability.
Me: Actually, I can’t log in because my Touch ID is not working.
Prompt result for this query from Google Gemini
I understand that you are unable to log in because Touch ID is not working. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve this issue:
  1. Make sure your finger is clean and dry. Moisture or dirt on your finger can prevent Touch ID from recognizing your fingerprint.
  2. Try restarting your device. This can sometimes resolve temporary software glitches.
  3. Check for any damage to the Touch ID sensor. If the sensor is cracked or damaged, it may need to be replaced.
  4. Go to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode and make sure that Touch ID is enabled.
  5. If you have not added fingerprints to your device, tap Add a Fingerprint and follow the steps prompted.
  6. Remove any screen protectors that may be interfering with the Touch ID sensor,
  7. If none of the above steps resolve the issue, you may need to contact Apple Support or an authorized Apple service provider for assistance.
Comparison of the answers given to this Prompt:

Again, ChatGPT shines with its conversational abilities while Gemini takes a more general yet detailed approach to trouble shooting. ChatGPT seems to simulate a more personal interaction, while Gemini is again more technically orientated. 

Ultimately both approaches seem effective. 

Use Case 6: Providing Practical Information and Recommendations

ChatGPT excels in understanding user preferences and offering accurate information. It’s impressive how it tailors recommendations based on my specific needs.

Google Gemini’s ability to make personalized suggestions is just as remarkable. It seems to have a broader range of data and can offer a wider variety of recommendations.

Comparison Prompt: “I am planning a weekend trip to visit Rome. I love classical music, eating authentic food and exploring markets. Provide the top picks that are not to be missed based on my preferences.”

Prompt result for this query from ChatGPT 3.5

Here are some top picks for your weekend trip to Rome based on your preferences:

  1. Classical Music:

    • Visit the stunning Teatro dell’Opera di Roma (Rome Opera House) for an unforgettable opera or ballet performance.
    • Attend a concert at Auditorium Parco della Musica, a modern venue known for its exceptional acoustics.
  2. Authentic Food:

    • Trastevere: This charming neighborhood is renowned for its authentic Roman cuisine. Explore its narrow streets filled with trattorias, osterias, and pizzerias.
    • Testaccio Market: Known as one of Rome’s best food markets, you can savor fresh produce, cheeses, meats, and street food. Don’t miss trying a classic Roman dish like “Cacio e Pepe” or “Carbonara” in one of the nearby restaurants.
    • Campo de’ Fiori Market: Visit this vibrant market in the morning to experience the local atmosphere and find fresh fruits, vegetables, spices, olive oil, and more.
  3. Exploring Markets:

    • Porta Portese Market: Occurring every Sunday, this flea market is the largest in Rome. You can find an array of items, including antique furniture, vintage clothes, books, and records.
    • Mercato di Testaccio: Apart from being a food market, this place offers a mix of fresh produce, clothing, household goods, and even a flea market section.
    • Mercato Monti: A trendy vintage market where you can discover unique clothing, accessories, vinyl records, and cool crafts.

Additionally, don’t miss iconic landmarks like the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Vatican City (St. Peter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel), and the stunning Trevi Fountain during your time in Rome.

Prompt result for this query from Google Gemini Pro

Classical Music:

  • Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia: Renowned concert hall hosting world-class orchestras and soloists.

Authentic Food:

  • Trattoria da Augusto: Traditional Roman trattoria serving local favorites like carbonara and cacio e pepe.
  • Osteria Baccus: Cozy restaurant celebrated for its classic Roman dishes and wine list.
  • Mercato Centrale Roma: Food market with stalls offering fresh pasta, seafood, meats, and pastries.


  • Mercato delle Pulci di Porta Portese: Sprawling flea market on Sundays, offering vintage items, antiques, and souvenirs.
  • Campo de’ Fiori: Lively market square known for its vibrant atmosphere, flowers, and food stalls.
  • Trionfale Market: Covered food market with a wide selection of fresh produce, meats, and seafood.

Additional Tips:

  • Attend a classical music performance at the Roman Opera: Home to world-renowned singers and musicians.
  • Visit the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel: Admire the masterpieces of classical sculpture, painting, and architecture.
  • Take a cooking class to learn how to prepare Roman dishes like a local.
  • Explore the Trevi Fountain and toss a coin for good luck.
  • Don’t forget to try Roman-style artichokes (carciofi alla Romana).
  • Sample the local espresso and granita (frozen Sicilian drink).
Comparison of the answers given to this Prompt:
Criteria ChatGPT3.5 Answer Google Gemini Pro Answer
Classical Music Provides two specific recommendations: Teatro dell’Opera di Roma and Auditorium Parco della Musica. Provides specific recommendation: Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.
Authentic Food Recommends specific neighborhoods: Trastevere. Recommends specific markets: Testaccio Market and Campo de’ Fiori Market. Recommends specific restaurants: Trattoria da Augusto and Osteria Baccus. Recommends specific food market: Mercato Centrale Roma.
Exploring Markets Recommends specific markets: Porta Portese Market, Mercato di Testaccio, and Mercato Monti. Recommends specific markets: Mercato delle Pulci di Porta Portese, Campo de’ Fiori, and Trionfale Market.
Additional Tips Mentions iconic landmarks like the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Vatican City, and Trevi Fountain. Provides additional tips like attending a classical music performance at the Roman Opera, visiting the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel, taking a cooking class, and trying Roman-style artichokes and local drinks.

Overall, both answers provide relevant recommendations based on the given preferences. The Google Gemini Pro answer provides a more curated and detailed list of recommendations, including specific restaurants and food markets. It also offers additional tips and suggestions beyond the initial preferences.

The ChatGPT3.5 answer, while comprehensive, lacks the specific restaurant recommendations and additional tips provided by the Google Gemini Pro answer.

Therefore, in terms of quality and curation, the Google Gemini Pro answer delivers a more comprehensive and detailed response.


Verdict: ChatGPT vs Gemini

The overview:

Use Case /Aspect ChatGPT 3.5 Google Gemini Pro
Use Case 1:
Answering General Knowledge Questions

OpenAI GPT excels in providing more detailed responses

Gemini provides better answers in terms of accuracy

Use Case 2:
Generating Creative Writing Prompts

Introduces a complex and engaging narrative arc, with a clear conflict, characters, and a sense of urgency.

Creates a vivid and immersive setting, drawing the reader into the story and its central conflict.

Lacks detail and immersive qualities, making the prompt feel more like a basic plot outline rather than a compelling story concept.

Use Case 3:
Assisting in Software Development

Both code snippets are well-written and achieve the desired effect.

ChatGPT provides more guidance and offers suggestions and tips for the integration, however, Gemini could be prompted to do the same.

Gemini Pro’s code is simpler and easier to understand, but also results in a simpler and less customizable result.

Use Case 4:
Translating Text

Both platforms excel in translating text with fluency and accuracy.

ChatGPT seems to be better at translating poetry, novels and other creative text.

Both platforms excel in translating text with fluency and accuracy.

Advantageous at translating technical text.

Use Case 5:
Creating Natural Language Conversations

ChatGPT simulates more personal interaction.

Google Geminis conversational style is focused on problem-solving and less personal.

Use Case 6:
Providing Practical Information and Recommendations

If you are looking for practical information and recommendations that do not need to be recent, ChatGPT will do a good job.

Due to Gemini having access to recent information on the web, likely the better choice if you are seeking Information or Recommendations that need to be up to date.

Style of reply

Answers are more elaborate and detailed

Gemini tends to reply in bulleted lists and short enumerations

Prompt understanding

ChatGPT is designed to enable conversations and help solve problems in a conversational manner – much like chatting with an expert on a subject.

Due to that, it sometimes heads into a wrong direction with a prompt that is not 100 % clear or that can be misunderstood.

Gemini proves to be more adept when it comes to understanding prompts.

Gemini is designed to process information and automate tasks in a way that saves the user time and effort, hence sometimes worth trying if ChatGPT did not understand the intent of the prompt.

Information / Resources

ChatGPT only uses the data is has been trained on unless promptet to do otherwise.

You can still leverage ChatGPT even where up-to-date data is required using and the data extenders we offer.

Gemini uses integrates the information it finds on the web and its training data into its responses. 

How to leverage both systems advantages effortlessly

What I enjoyed most while crafting this article was to switch between ChatGPT and Gemini with one click. Using Promptmate you can seamlessly switch between Providers to choose the AI System best suited to fulfill your query.

Running this comparison with Promptmate did not only allow me to compare and switch between providers within one App, but it also took me under an hour to do it all!

Not to mention getting real good suggestions for this articles Meta Description, Slug URL and Title thanks to the prompts included in the template.

Try our tool for free at

P.S.: At Promptmate we do not only serve ChatGPT and Gemini, but also ChatGPT CodeInterpreter, GPT Vision, Clipdrop Image Background removal, replace, Uncrop and Upscale, Google Gemini Multimodal, Dall-E, Google PaLM2 and the wonderful StabilityAI range. For more on this check out


Learn which Provider is best suited for which Use Case and how the results differ in quality, style and other aspects.