Google Maps Search

Input fields / Configuration

These are the fields used for configuring the data extender.

Name Description
Data extender name
Post keyword
Pre keyword

Available Data Fields

These result fields can be used in the prompts.

Name Description
Google maps result pos. 1 addressAddress from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 addressAddress from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 addressAddress from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 addressAddress from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 addressAddress from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 addressAddress from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 addressAddress from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 addressAddress from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 addressAddress from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 addressAddress from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 categoryCategory from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 categoryCategory from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 categoryCategory from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 categoryCategory from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 categoryCategory from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 categoryCategory from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 categoryCategory from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 categoryCategory from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 categoryCategory from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 categoryCategory from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 cityCity from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 cityCity from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 cityCity from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 cityCity from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 cityCity from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 cityCity from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 cityCity from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 cityCity from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 cityCity from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 cityCity from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 country codeCountry code from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 country codeCountry code from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 country codeCountry code from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 country codeCountry code from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 country codeCountry code from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 country codeCountry code from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 country codeCountry code from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 country codeCountry code from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 country codeCountry code from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 country codeCountry code from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 main imageMain image from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 main imageMain image from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 main imageMain image from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 main imageMain image from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 main imageMain image from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 main imageMain image from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 main imageMain image from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 main imageMain image from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 main imageMain image from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 main imageMain image from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 opening hoursOpening hours from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 opening hoursOpening hours from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 opening hoursOpening hours from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 opening hoursOpening hours from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 opening hoursOpening hours from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 opening hoursOpening hours from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 opening hoursOpening hours from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 opening hoursOpening hours from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 opening hoursOpening hours from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 opening hoursOpening hours from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 phonePhone from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 phonePhone from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 phonePhone from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 phonePhone from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 phonePhone from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 phonePhone from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 phonePhone from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 phonePhone from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 phonePhone from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 phonePhone from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 place idPlace id from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 place idPlace id from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 place idPlace id from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 place idPlace id from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 place idPlace id from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 place idPlace id from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 place idPlace id from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 place idPlace id from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 place idPlace id from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 place idPlace id from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 rating countRating count from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 rating countRating count from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 rating countRating count from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 rating countRating count from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 rating countRating count from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 rating countRating count from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 rating countRating count from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 rating countRating count from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 rating countRating count from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 rating countRating count from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 rating valueRating value from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 rating valueRating value from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 rating valueRating value from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 rating valueRating value from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 rating valueRating value from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 rating valueRating value from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 rating valueRating value from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 rating valueRating value from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 rating valueRating value from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 rating valueRating value from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 regionRegion from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 regionRegion from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 regionRegion from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 regionRegion from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 regionRegion from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 regionRegion from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 regionRegion from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 regionRegion from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 regionRegion from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 regionRegion from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 streetStreet from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 streetStreet from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 streetStreet from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 streetStreet from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 streetStreet from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 streetStreet from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 streetStreet from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 streetStreet from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 streetStreet from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 streetStreet from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 titleText of Title from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 titleText of Title from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 titleText of Title from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 titleText of Title from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 titleText of Title from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 titleText of Title from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 titleText of Title from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 titleText of Title from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 titleText of Title from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 titleText of Title from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 URLURL from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 URLURL from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 URLURL from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 URLURL from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 URLURL from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 URLURL from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 URLURL from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 URLURL from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 URLURL from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 URLURL from maps result 9
Google maps result pos. 1 zipZip from maps result 1
Google maps result pos. 10 zipZip from maps result 10
Google maps result pos. 2 zipZip from maps result 2
Google maps result pos. 3 zipZip from maps result 3
Google maps result pos. 4 zipZip from maps result 4
Google maps result pos. 5 zipZip from maps result 5
Google maps result pos. 6 zipZip from maps result 6
Google maps result pos. 7 zipZip from maps result 7
Google maps result pos. 8 zipZip from maps result 8
Google maps result pos. 9 zipZip from maps result 9
Error message, if anyIf there is an error getting the results (e.g. if no results exists)
Text (Snippet) from google maps results (Top10)Text of all Titles from google maps top 10 results
Start creating a new app and use this Data Extender in your prompts.