
The temperature parameter is used in the sampling process of generating responses. It essentially controls the randomness of the model’s output. Here’s an explanation of how different temperature values affect the generation process:

Low Temperature (Close to 0.0)

Effect: Low temperatures result in more deterministic responses. The model becomes more focused and tends to choose the most probable token at each step.
Characteristics: The output is more repetitive and conservative. It tends to stick to common phrases and patterns. Low-temperature sampling is useful when you want more controlled and coherent responses.

Medium Temperature (Around 1.0)

Effect: Medium temperatures provide a balance between randomness and determinism. The model has some flexibility in choosing tokens, and there’s a mix of likely and less likely choices.
Characteristics: Responses are more diverse and creative compared to low-temperature sampling. This setting is often preferred for generating more interesting and varied outputs.

High Temperature (Close to 2.0)

Effect: High temperatures introduce more randomness into the generation process. The model is more likely to explore less probable options, leading to more unpredictable and creative responses.
Characteristics: The output becomes more diverse and may include unconventional or unexpected choices. High-temperature sampling is useful when you want to explore a wide range of possible responses or encourage more novelty.

Choosing the right temperature depends on the specific requirements of your task. If you want more controlled and focused responses, you might opt for a lower temperature. If you’re looking for diversity and creativity, a higher temperature could be more suitable. Experimenting with different temperature values allows you to fine-tune the balance between coherence and randomness in the generated text.